May 29, 2013


書寫系統裡在音韻透明度(phonological transparency)上有所差別。比方來說,義大利語相對於英語來說,音韻透明度是比較高,簡單來說,當你看到義大利語的字時,是較能得知其發音的。
  學習兩種語言的讀寫相對於只學一種語言的讀寫會有什麼優點呢?目前的研究發現英語母語者若學習了一個音韻透明度較英語高的書寫系統(比方說義大利語),在早期學習階段,可以使得英語的讀及拼字的能力得到提升(Yelland, Pollard, & Mercuri, 1993)。在這邊有些人可能會質疑,兒童同時學習兩個相近的書寫系統,是否會反而使得母語的書寫系統的學習變差,因為兒童必須區辨兩種不同的書寫系統,就上述的研究似乎結果是相反的,某些學者甚至認為相對於單一書寫系統,兒童應該多學些其它書寫系統,才能使得語言的潛力得到完全的發展(Meisel, 2008)。在這邊提到的是同時學習兩種相近的書寫系統,而且是在兩種書寫系統的能力都還不穩固的時候,若是兒童同時學習華語與日語,跟先學其中一種語言再學習另外一種是否會不一樣?在日語與華語有許多漢字是相同的,但是意思可能是完全不一樣的,比方說日語裡的「床」其實在華語裡是「地板」,就學習日語的華語母語成人來說,可能會因此而產生混淆,但若是同時學習日語與華語的兒童,是否就較不易會有這方面的困擾?同時在學習漢字的辨認及讀寫上,學習日語的華語兒童可能會比單語的華語兒童來得佳?若是如此,是否代表著學習第二語言是可能會對第一語言的學習是有幫助的。

Bassetti, B. (2012) Bilingualism and writing systems. In T. K. Bhatia and 
   W. C. Ritchie (eds.) The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism (pp. 649-670). 
   Second edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Meisel, Jurgen M. 2008. The bilingual child. In Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie
   (Eds.),The handbook of bilingualism (pp. 91-113). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Yelland, Gregory W., Jacinta Pollard, & Anthony Mercuri. 1993. The metalinguistic
   benefits of limited contact with a second language. Applied Psycholinguistics,14 (4), 

May 28, 2013

語言如何影響認知?簡述Information Framing Effects in Social and Personal Decisions(1988)研究


    語言對於人的認知有甚麼影響?研究(IRWIN P. LEVIN, SARA K. SCHNITTJER, AND SHANNON L. THEE, 1988)發現,若是用不同的語言框架(information framing)去描述一件事情,則人的社會性決定(social decision)和個人決定(personal decision)都會受到影響。
    問題2. 觀看正面描述的受試者推薦此醫療技術給病人的意願顯著高於負面描述的受試者。
    問題3. 觀看正面描述的受試者推薦此醫療技術給自己親人的意願顯著高於負面描述的受試者。

IRWIN P. LEVIN, SARA K. SCHNITTJER, AND SHANNON L. THEE (1987). Information Framing Effects in Social and Personal Decisions, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 24, 520-529

May 24, 2013


雙語者通常狹義的被定義為「可以同樣流利的使用兩種語言」,或者廣義的被定義為「無論語言程度或使用程度,在日常生活中使用一種以上的語言」。Bassetti & Cook (2011)認為在此定義下還有另外一個議題:雙語者應該是「知道關於另一種語言的知識(knowledge)」,或者應該是「有使用另一種語言的能力(ability to use)」?
其中某些定義是有問題的:狹義的雙語者定義假定雙語者在兩種語言的能力都和一個單語母語者相同;而使用能力定義的雙語者假定雙語者使用語言的方式如同單語母語者使用其語言的方式。但其實雙語者對於其第一語和第二語的知識並不同於單語母語者對於其母語的知識(Cook, 2003),而且他們某些使用語言的方式也和單語者不同,例如:代碼轉換(code-switching)和翻譯(translation)。簡而言之,雙語者並非一個人身上住著兩個單語者(Grosjean, 1998)。所以雙語能力是無法根據單語的標準來測量的(Hoffman, 1991, p.23)。
因此,雙語者關於使用語言的定義應該認可所有的語言技巧(skills):聽、說、讀、寫。所謂的雙語者會因著對各個語言技巧熟悉度的不同而有所不同。Bassetti & Cook (2011)認為雙語者的定義應該視需求因人而異,例如,對教育者而言,以使用為基礎(use-based)的定義是比較有用的;而當我們研究「學習第二外語對於認知的影響」的時候,雙語者就應該定義為「會一種以上的語言,無論是在聽、說、讀、寫上的哪一種會」。另外,為避免爭議,現今有些研究者會用較為中性的「二語使用者(L2 user)」來代替「雙語者(bilinguals)」。

在我上一篇文章<雙語者的認知能力>的評論中Adam Li懷疑雙語者較好的認知能力並非來自於其習得兩種語言,而可能是因為這些說雙語的人原本就擁有較好的認知能力,同時我們也無法確定上一篇後設分析研究中的研究對於雙語者的定義。由本文看來,只要多懂得第二語的任一點知識都會改變單語者的認知,上一篇文章的研究結果並非肇因於雙語者原本的認知能力,學習第二語言對於認知能力的確是有幫助的。

Bassetti, B. & Cook, V. (2011). Relating language and cognition: The second language user. In Cook, V. & Bassetti, B. (Eds.), Language and bilingual cognition  (pp. 143-190). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

May 23, 2013



May 21, 2013

Implicit or Explicit Instruction?

It’s about one month now since I started teaching German and one question I am always pondering on is how to present German grammar: explicitly explaining grammatical rules or engage students in exercises to facilitate the acquisition of language structures implicitly?

Chen (2011) undertook an interesting experiment that could serve as a rough guideline for language teachers. But let’s have a look on the differences between implicit and explicit learning first: Implicit learning is learning without intention or awareness, usually adopted by children learning their L1. It leads to implicit knowledge, a form of knowledge that one possesses but is unable to verbalize. Explicit learning on the other hand is learning with intention that often occurs in adults. It leads to explicit knowledge, a form of knowledge that one is aware of when using it. For the L2 learner, implicit knowledge is the ability to use L2, and explicit knowledge the ability to explain grammatical rules.

Chen investigated the effects of implicit and explicit instruction on native English speakers’ acquisition of Chinese as a second language. The author predicted, that there is no difference in the acquisition of if grammar patterns in L1 are similar to grammar pattern in L2; however, if grammar pattern are different, there is a significant difference between implicit and explit instruction.

36 college students at the beginner level were randomly assigned to a group with implicit instruction and a group with explicit instruction. Both groups were taught negation with "不" (which has the same word order in English) and time adverbs (e.g. 每天) (which has a different word order in English). After two training sessions, both groups completed a grammaticality judgment task.

The statistical analysis shows no significant difference between the two groups in the acqusition of negation markers. However, the explicit group performed significantly better than the explicit group in the acqusition of time adverbs. This sresult uggests that explicit instructions are not necessary when a positive transfer occurs, that is when L1 and L2 grammar patterns are similar. However, explicit instruction is necessary to facilitate acquisition of structures that are different from one’s L1.

Chen showed the success of implicit instruction with a multiple choice test after short-term instruction. It would be interesting to implement an experiment with instructions over a longer period, and instead of a grammaticality judgment task, administer a task that tests for active production (like speaking or writing).

Chen, C., (2011). Implicit/Explicit Instruction Effects and Cross-linguistic Influence in the Second Language Acquisition of Chinese. Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language, 3(2), 77-96.

May 20, 2013


  Adesope, Lavin, Thompson, & Ungerleider (2010)綜理過去文獻發現,雙語者有較佳的認知表現。雙語者有較良好的注意力控制、工作記憶、後設語言認知(metalinguistic awareness)、抽象與符號表徵技巧、以及問題解決能力。當增加語言或非語言的作業時,雙語者的認知表現優於單語者,雙語者也擁有比單語者更多的工作記憶容量。後設語言認知指的是思考語言的能力,這種能力使人意識到語言的形式、結構以及它們如何產生意義的連結。雙語者有兩種不同語言的字或詞可表示大部分的概念,這使他們能夠較輕易的了解語言如何運作。雙語者在許多研究中也展現出較有創意的思考、在抽象及符號的推理上有較佳的表現,有較好的問題解決能力。研究者認為,習得兩種語言的歷程以及同時運用兩種語言(在使用其中一種語言時抑制另一種語言,以免於被另一種語言干擾)讓雙語者發展出一些技巧。這些技巧讓雙語者在其學習語言的歷程中得到關於語言抽象特徵的洞察力(insight),並讓他們擁有較好的注意力分配技巧。
  本研究與Penny Huang三月在本部落格發表的文章<學習第二外語有助於培養專注力?>

Adesope, O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T., & Ungerleider, C. (2010). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the cognitive correlates of bilingualism. Review of Educational Research, 80(2), 207-245.

May 8, 2013

Something I didn’t know about bilingualism and second language learning

I read an article about bilingualism and second language learning. This article introduced some points I didn’t know before:

(1)   The difference between language acquisition and language learning is that language acquisition is a subconscious process, but language learning is a more conscious process.
(2)   Even very proficient bilinguals’ speech is marked by traces of the first language accent.
(3)   A normal children can become a fluent bilingual by the age of five, for instance, without any formal training.
(4)   There are two kinds of bilinguals, coordinate bilingual and compound bilingual.
(5)   According to the motivation and the learner’s attitude, there are two types of learners: instrumental and integrative learners. Instrumental learners learn a language for the purpose of gaining external rewards. Integrative learners have a positive attitude toward the culture of the target language. Integrative learners tend to be more successful learners than instrumental learners.

My understanding about bilinguals is closer to Bloomfield (1993), who claimed that a bilingual is one who has a native-like control of two languages. The compound bilingual is a new concept for me. Point (2) is also a new concept for me. I do know some bilinguals who don’t have accent on their two mother languages. Also, I’m curious about if bilinguals own two mother languages or not. What is the meaning of “mother language” in bilingual context? Point (5) is imaginable. But I’m also curious about the evidence, how to prove this.

Bhatia, T.K.(2006). Bilingualism and second language learning. In Brown, K. (ed.) Vol.2, 16-22.